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Globalization certainly changed the financial dynamics of the U.S Worldism By Victor Davis Hanson
Deliver the truth through unbiased news.
Private care is still illegal in Canada—Unless you go to a foreign country
Sweden Did Not Lock Down Their Country
Is WHO causing an EPIDEMIC to become a PANDEMIC? Coronavirus: Why do some countries wear face masks and others don’t?
SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19
Here’s What Americans Need to Know About Socialism
China Selling Organs of Religious Groups without permission Liberty Articles | By Harold Pease, Ph. D | Jan 6, 2020
America is looking disturbingly like Europe
Communist Reformation by Perestroika and Glasnost Outraged Soviet Bureaucrats; but allowed the surfacing of a very confidential Kennedy memo:
Communist Reformation by Perestroika and Glasnost Outraged Soviet Bureaucrats; but allowed the surfacing of a very confidential Kennedy memo:
Tribalism has been the prevalent mode of social organization
The Whistleblower Impeachment Trap
Does Liberal Agnosticism cause a loss of Moral Certitude? Atheism is about belief or, specifically, what you don’t believe. Agnosticism is about knowledge or, specifically, about what you don’t know. An atheist doesn’t believe in any gods. An agnostic doesn’t know if any gods exist or not.
As Reflected at our Southern Border
Why wait until a patient is dead before harvesting his organs?
How compatible are democracy and capitalism?
Canadian Medicare
One million Canadians waited for medically necessary treatment in 2018
Democratic Socialism in Venezuela
The Unintended Consequences of National Pharmacare Programs
Sham Peer Review Reaches Global Concerns
Saudi’s attack on America
Fast Dismemberment with bone cutter while still alive
Time to Terminate Assisted Dying
Single-payer healthcare could be a death sentence for seniors
Expo to celebrate NHS’s 70th
The ATS is a significant leader in Global Health Care
The Cost of Waiting for Canadian Medicare
Time for Tax Reform in Ontario, Canada
Great Medicine For Trade
The NHS is very Efficient: Able to cancelled 55,000 Operations!
Comparing International Health Care Systems
Canadian Medicare
International Medicine Programs
Germany has had a year-long celebration of the Reformation
Scots are finding that Socialism is very Expensive.
Are Gender Issues the same across the POND?
What Liberals do over the entire world: Tax, Spend, Debt
Canadian Health-Care Costs Skyrocketed
Canada Ranked 3rd Highest in Spending in Developed Countries
Leaving Canada To Escape Socialized Medicine’s Waiting List
Canadian health-care fix—innovation, not more money
Single-Payer National Health Insurance Around The World
Canadian Health Care
International News: We Have Entered The Age Of The Individual Capitalist
Canadian-Style Health Care System
The Cost Of “Free Health Care” In Canada
Health Care Reform: Do Other Countries Have The Answers?
Eliminating Use Of Monetary Policy To Achieve Country-Specific Goals
The 10 Leading Causes Of Death In The World 2000-2012 – WHO
If Universal Health Care Is The Goal, Don’t Copy Canada
Socialized Medicine, Same Song, Another Verse
Democracies Less Likely To Go To War
The Republic Of Georgia Chose To Outsource Regulation
Why Poland Matters
NHS Litigation Claims Double Under Coalition
The Angel Of Good Death Opens Up His Surgery
A Swiss Shot Heard ‘Round The World
Pot Heads Around The World
The Long Road To Freedom In Canadian Medicine
Canadian Medicare Isn’t Really Free
Canada Still Struggles To Provide Health Care To All
Canadian Medicare
Canada ranks 29th out of 33 in practicing physicians per thousand
Is this really that earth shattering?
The NHS Crises
Britons Are Warned That “No Drink Is Safe.”
UK Is Banning 12 Pack Cigarette Carton Sales
Long Queues for necessary surgery costs Canadians $1304 per patient
Inviting Boys To Wear Skirts Is A Dangerous Frivolity.
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Cost Sharing
International Medicine