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A Call From The San Mateo County Medical Association.

We need your help to protect MICRA

Dear Physician Colleagues,

We need your help in protecting California’s Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA). On November 4, 2014, voters will go to the ballot to vote on Prop 46. The importance of MICRA to physicians in the state of California is significant. We’re not asking you to assemble and march on Sacramento as more than 800 physicians, nurses, lab technicians and hospital personnel did in a grass root effort lead by the California Medical Association on May 13, 1975.

Trial lawyers have sponsored Prop 46. If Prop 46 passes, the current MICRA cap will quadruple from $250,000 to $1.2 million on non-economic damages in medical malpractice lawsuits. If Prop 46 passes, it will result in higher health care cost for everyone and threaten patient’s access to care with his or her providers. If Prop 46 passes, California will be flooded with new lawsuits and big payouts to trial lawyers.

The California Medical Association and county medical associations across the state have been working tirelessly to defeat this measure, but we still need your help. The next two weeks are crucial if we are to defeat Prop 46.

Please make a voluntary contribution ($25, $50, $100, $500) to help us preserve MICRA.

Please click here to donate by debit card or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover) [1].

You can also mail your check to:SMCMA – Prop 46, 777 Mariners Island Blvd., #100, San Mateo, CA 94404

When November 4 arrives, we hope we will be able to celebrate the defeat of Prop 46 and return to the practice of medicine without increasing threats of malpractice “pain and suffering” awards to increase to $1.2 million blue sky in addition to all the medical injury without limit.

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