Elian Gonzalez 10 years later
By Jeannie DeAngelis [1]
As Barack Obama emulates Fidel Castro’s health care system [2] and ferries a reluctant nation toward socialism, the scenario is reminiscent of a frightened Elian Gonzalez being wrested from the arms of liberty [3] by an out of control federal government dictated to by a liberal American president.
Free people should take a good, long look at Elian Gonzalez and observe what our nation has the potential to become ten years down the line if, instead of moving in the opposite direction, America’s row boat continues to inch closer to Cuba’s shores.
Authors content: www.jeannie-ology.com [4]
Elizabet Broton [5], Elian Gonzalez’s mother, was so determined to ensure her seven-year old son live in freedom that at four a.m. the fraught woman ushered her child toward a rickety boat to join a dozen people for a trek across dark, choppy waters from Cuba to the US.
Elizabet and ten others lost their lives at sea. Before dying Broton desperately attempted to assure Elian’s safety by placing the boy into a black inner tube to keep him from drowning. Elian was later found sleeping, fished from shark-infested waters and turned over to the U.S. Coast Guard.
Elian became the center of a child custody struggle defined by paternal rights versus a Cuban-American family who escaped Castro’s tyrannical regime that believed the child should be granted asylum. Elian’s cousin Marisleysis Gonzalez [6] became the public spokesperson for the child’s right to independence in a nation his mother died trying to reach.
After a lengthy, media driven custody battle Attorney General for the Clinton Administration, Janet Reno ordered armed federal authorities to enter the home of Elian’s extended family and intercept the child, returning him to his father Juan Miguel Gonzalez Quintana. . .
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2010/04/elian_gonzales_10_years_later.html#ixzz4NfdSZgjG [7]
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