My Twilight Years ~ /P Clint Eastwood
As I enjoy my twilight years, I am often struck by the inevitability that the party must end. There will be a clear, cold morning when there isn’t any “more.” No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat.
It seems to me that one of the important things to do before that morning comes, is to let every one of your family and friends know that you care for them by finding simple ways to let them know your heartfelt beliefs and the guiding principles of your life so they can always say, “He was my friend, and I know where he stood.”
So, just in case I’m gone tomorrow, please know this:
I voted against that incompetent, lying, flip-flopping, insincere, double-talking, radical socialist, terrorist excusing, bleeding heart, narcissistic, scientific and economic moron currently in the White House!
Participating in a gun buy-back program because you think that criminals have too many guns is like having yourself castrated because you think your neighbors have too many kids.
Regards, Clint
Or to fight a war from the air without any soldiers to maintain the peace over territory won for lack of military experience.
Or to fight a war with Ebola without placing travel restrictions or a full quarantine on all passenger leaving Africa for lack of Public Health experience or not using your Public Health Officer that freedom to exert a quarantine?
Or to impose a nation-wide health plan with no understanding of the Doctor-Patient interface?
Or to take over the White House with no CEO or administrative experience?
Or to place Czars in every corner of America just in case the opportunity arises.
And now a word from Willie’s World: [1]
What’s with the American public giving a ‘fail’ to the chief?
by Willie Brown, SF Chronicle, former speaker if the California Assembly
President Obama has public approval ratings comparable to the two lowest-rated presidents of our time, George W. Bush [2] and Richard Nixon [1]. Seldom has such disapproval been less deserved.
In 2008, when Obama was elected, our country was in the tank. Now we’ve got universal health care, an unemployment rate so low it never comes up on the Sunday chat shows, and a stock market that’s nearly doubled in value since Inauguration Day 2009.
Obama is intellectually gifted and a man of great integrity. What he lacks is conniving and treachery skills, which is not the case with many of the politicians he has to deal with in Washington. On a scale of 1 to 10 for honesty and principle, the Washington crowd ranks below 3 and Obama scores a 10.
We Americans have a great president, and sharing ratings with the younger Bush and Tricky Dick is the ultimate insult.
Before you scream, know that I’m not objective. I’m a dyed-in-the-wool admirer of superior talent.
So as we celebrate the founding of this great nation and the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, which gave us the opportunity to elect an Obama, let’s congratulate ourselves and celebrate together.
Did you happen to notice if Willie Brown’s mouth was moving when he said that?
Have a Happy 238th Independence Day celebration.
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