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Sophisticated Terrorists With A Sense Of Humor?

When al-Qaida-style insurgents overran the northern city of Mosul, among the war booty they seized were what they claimed were five U.S.-made helicopters. Noting that they were still nearly new, the group said in a posting on its Twitter feed, “We’ll expect the Americans to honor the warranty and service them for us.”

You think Obama may just do that?

The insurgents from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria are sophisticated extortion racketeers in Mosul netting as much as $8 million a month. Once they are in charge, they typically levy taxes which are just as lucrative. Road taxes of $200 on trucks are collected all over northern Iraq to allow them safe passage. The Iraqi government says they are levying a tax on Christians in Mosul to avoid being crucified.

They must be trying to change their image from casual executioners to standard government practices.

Miss Manners is weighing in on Business Letters.

Dear Miss Manners: I like Best Wishes or Best Regards to end business correspondence, but I’ve been toying with alternatives for friends and family: “Live Healthy,” “Live free,” “Live well,” “Be well,” “Be safe.” Etc. Am I creating a trend perhaps not respectful of traditional (manners)?

Dear Gentle Reader: When traditions need improving, Miss Manners will let you know. There is nothing wrong with signing off with assurances of sincerity or good wishes or affectionate sentiments. Admonishing your correspondents to lead safe, healthy lives sounds remarkably like nagging.

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