Talk Radio Dialogues Connect with almost Everyone In Depth Discussions with public, civic, national and international leaders, cultural, educational, political and religious commentary to broaden your perspective of our country and the world in which we live. __________ Heard on Salem National Radio (The ANSWER) sites include:,,,,,,,,
Written by:
Del Meyer
09/17/2019 4:18 AM
The Greatest Country on God’s Green Earth. The Michael Medved Show gives you insightful columns and commentary about culture, politics, videos, movie reviews, and more
Bernie Sanders, the Non-Jewish Jew and Non-American American
Socialism Makes You Selfish
Alumni Cutting Contributions to Colleges
N. Carolina school to teachers: Don't call students 'boys and girls'
President Barack Obama delivers a statement at the White House on Oct. 5. (Yuri Gripas/Reuters)
How is the Godless west working out?
CA Allows Official Non-Gender Birth Certificate
If we can change our gender, why can’t we change our age?
Having Doubts about Darwin’s Theory
The Show
Everything: Author of Martin Luther; Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy;
The inaugural episode of the Eric Metaxas Show!
500th Anniversary/Martin Luther
So how did Eric celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the kickoff to the Reformation?
Morgan Freeman talks about his National Geographic series, Story Of God.
Street Spirituality: What Happens After We Die?
If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty
Miracle Monday
Who are the most persecuted peoples on earth today?
Eric and Ravi Zacharias conclude their amiable conversation on the relationship between believing in a God of moral truth and the implications of that belief in society at large.
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