Medical Tuesday Blog


Apr 9

Written by: Del Meyer
04/09/2017 8:21 AM 

April showers may bring May flowers, but most of us are too busy worrying about our taxes to stop and smell the daffodils, tulips, lilies, and hyacinths which are some of the most popular blossoms of spring.

April 1 – April Fool’s Day; This is the day when the aquarium receives a lot of phone calls for Mr. Fish, Salt and sugar get switched, quarters are occasionally glued to the sidewalk, and all sorts of improbable tales are told with a straight face in the hope of declaring listeners to be April Fools.

On April 1, 1789, The US House of Representatives finally achieve a quorum and convened. It had taken them a month to get that far.

On April 1, 1863, the first wartime U.S. conscription law was enacted. By then we had fought at least three wars since the foundations of our nation were built by volunteer enlistees.

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