Medical Tuesday Blog
By Del Meyer on 05/05/2020 11:15 PM
April Fools’ Day, also called All Fools’ Day, in most countries is the first day of April. It received its name from the custom of playing practical jokes on this day—for example, telling friends that their shoelaces are untied or sending them on so-called fools’ errands. Although the day has been observed for centuries, its […] |
By Del Meyer on 05/05/2020 8:40 PM
April Fools’ Day, also called All Fools’ Day, in most countries is the first day of April. It received its name from the custom of playing practical jokes on this day—for example, telling friends that their shoelaces are untied or sending them on so-called fools’ errands. Although the day has been observed for centuries, its […] |
By Del Meyer on 06/27/2011 8:13 AM
April 15th, tax day! (But not this year; this year, it’s Emancipation Day, which is worth observing if anything is.) And probably not coincidentally, the movie adaptation of Ayn Rand’s widely-loved and loathed novel “Atlas Shrugged” opens at theatres nationwide. So what could be more appropriate and entertainingly polarising than a discussion of Ayn Rand’s […] |
By Del Meyer on 03/31/2011 3:17 AM
LegalCare: It is Time to Lower Legal Costs and Ensure Affordable, Accessible Legal Coverage for All by Matthew S. Rice, M. D., Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, AAPS According to the American Bar Association, thousands of innocent working Americans are wrongfully convicted of crimes every year, in part due to negligent or poorly trained […] |
By Del Meyer on 03/08/2011 1:22 AM
All Medicare providers (e.g. physicians, NPs, PAs, etc.) are eligible to earn a 1 percent incentive on their total Medicare Part B allowed charges by electronically prescribing a total of 25 times from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2011 and having at least 10 percent of their total Medicare Part B charges made up of […] |
By Del Meyer on 01/16/2011 1:21 AM
A frequent occurrence in front line medicine as practice by family physicians, internists and emergency room physicians is the patient’s demands for laboratory proof of almost any diagnosis, whether it’s peptic disease or a fractured rib. Or even a sprained ankle. Articles have been written on the examination of the ankle, taking into account the […] |
By Del Meyer on 10/02/2010 1:18 AM
Mitt Romney is in The Wrong Political Party; Maybe Even the Wrong Country. OBAMACARE = ROMNEYCARE: Your signature government-run health care experiment in Massachusetts was a dismal failure. Nonetheless, in May 2009, you cited it as one of your “best ideas,” praised it in July 2009, and in May 2009 said that “the best path to […] |