Medical Tuesday Blog
There are 4 main types of people who believe in the false promises of socialism: Read more . . . California Taxpayers Have Been Forced to Spend $700 Million to Kill Almost 1 Million Babies in Abortions. Viable babies require killing by dismembering prior to extraction frequently called the “silent scream” must be similar to the loud agonal screams of Jamal Khashoggi as his arms, legs and head were cut off while alive, in the Saudi embassy, which were audible but the recordings have been restricted or withdrawn. Read more . . . Through an examination of the experiences of New Zealand, Australia, and the United Kingdom, this paper brings to light some of the difficult decisions that accompany a national publicly funded pharmacare scheme, and the consequences of such programs for patients, physicians, innovators, and the industry. Read more . . .
Quartz Daily Brief,, Weekend edition—Davos deliberations, flying cars, hagfish slime If patients would avoid going to the emergency rooms for non-emergency conditions, Insurance companies are not able to print money. Therefore, the money they use to pay your health care cost must first be taken away from you including their profit margin for their shareholders. Dr. Rosen: We’ve experienced some severe changes in our country. I’ve never seen this hostility towards a sitting president. Isn’t this an overt effort to remove an acting president from office? Charles Krauthammer wrote steadily for almost 40 years — but he was not a book-writer. He wrote essays, columns, speeches, etc. This is true of other top-rate and influential writers as well. This month we bring you four excellent reviews of timely books very relevant to the practice of medicine. This is a premier monthly column which you should bookmark and read on a regular basis for your practice well-being. The WSJ reported that many Apps were sending detailed private information to Facebook
Money giving is a very good criterion . . . of a person’s mental health. Generous people are rarely mentally ill people. –Karl A. Menninger, Founder of the Menninger Psychoanalytic Institute.
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