Medical Tuesday Blog
Ogan Gurel, MD, Chief Medical Officer in SEOUL
Seminar on March 25, 2020 8 AM KST (tomorrow: + 16 hours) Part 1: 8 AM KST Overview and characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19 What it is, how it is transmitted, implications for containment measures. Part 2: 8:40 AM KST How Korea has responded and how that response meshed with the requirements of containment for this disease. What worked and what didn’t. What other options are there? P:art 3 9AM KST Extended Questions and Discussion Session Learn what other organizations in Korea are doing and benefit from experience of other KBLA members. Who should participate: Executive, Health & Safety, HR, & Security Mgmt personnel from organizations in Korea & around the world? Dive deep into the characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 and the disease that comes from it: COVID-19. Learn how the responses governments and organizations implement are driven by the disease threat. Register at Seminar will be conducted over the web using ZOOM Video Conferencing platform. Cost: Complimentary NB: On trying to register we were told we first have to join the KBLA (Korea Business Leaders Alliance.) at a cost of $1000. I guess we’ll wait for Dr. Gurel to send us a FU LinkedIn note. Looks like I have it now: Dear Del, Thank you for registering for the KBLA Professional Seminar. Send any connection problems to Join the seminar from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone by clicking on the link. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 572 297 766 Password: 579170 One tap mobile +12532158782,,572297766# US +13017158592,,572297766# US Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose area) /S/ JaeKyu Chung 82-10-2456-7661 A Review of Local and Regional Medical News
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