Archives By Month: August 2017
What Liberals do over the entire world: Tax, Spend, Debt
EDITORIAL: How the Ontario Liberals buried us in debt Ontario SUN: First posted: Saturday, August 05, 2017 In his April budget speech, Ontario Finance Minister Charles Sousa said the provincial budget would be balanced this year, next year, and the year after that. He repeated the phrase “balanced budget” 10 times, adding “a balanced budget […]
Should a Conservative be able to conduct an Orchestra?
Can a Conservative Conduct an Orchestra? The left’s campaign to purge a conservative voice from the music community. By Dennis Prager Most Americans are at least somewhat aware of what is happening at American (and European) universities with regard to conservative speakers. Universities disinvite conservative speakers, never invite them or allow the violent (or threatened […]
Obamacare Is Uninsuring the Insured
By Doug Badger | National Review OnlineAugust 10, 2017Health Insurance, ObamaCare The law expanded coverage among the poor at the expense of coverage among the middle class. The number of people with individual health-insurance coverage is shrinking. Despite $146 billion in federal subsidies to low-income households and well-capitalized insurers, 2.6 million fewer people had individual […]