Archives By Month: June 2021
1.Feature Article: A Basic Low-Cost Private HealthCare Proposal Pay cash for your basic outpatient health care and save over half the cost of insurance. Only Hospital care, Surgical care, Trauma and Emergency care require major medical insurance.
Actuarial data indicates that Americans pay far more for insurance for basic outpatient health care cost than paying cash for outpatient office and laboratory charges. In many instances the monthly cost of health insurance equals the annual cost of health care if paid for with cash. Health insurance would then be required for the unexpected […]
DEAR MR WEST It was good to hear that you are a patriotic American. I appreciated your request for info on getting your second Covid shot. Dr Russel Blaylock answered just that questionin his journal last week concerning an 80 yo man in good health who had one corona shot as to whether he should […]