Medical Tuesday Blog
Why do women want to join men’s clubs?
Dr. Rosen: Have you noticed that the women and girls want to join the men and boys clubs? Dr. Edwards: Are you referring to the Sutter Club downtown? Dr. Milton: We’ve had medical meetings there on a number of occasions. Women were present at all times. Dr. Ruth: But they weren’t allowed in the bars. Dr. Michelle: I came early to the last Internal Medicine Society meeting and wandered into the bar where the activities seemed to be . The entire bar clientele immediately moved into the meeting room. Dr. Rosen: Wasn’t that a smoother transition than to ask you to leave? Dr. Michelle: I guess that was since I didn’t feel excluded that way. Dr. Edwards: Don’t you think that men need to fraternize with other men? A time when they can let their hair down and let their language drift to their comfort zone? Dr. Michelle: I think you’re right. I enjoy times when there are just women around. And do we talk. I think most men, if they were present, would be uncomfortable. Dr. Ruth: I think they tried to start a similar women’s club in Sacramento but it failed. I don’t remember the reason for failure. Dr. Michelle: Women don’t need a club to talk. We can talk at any time and in any place. Even in the restroom. That was brought out by Dr. Brizendine in her book on the Female Brain. Dr. Ruth: That’s right. When she asked her psychology class if they had any questions concerning her topics of the male and female brain, the first question the boys asked is “Why do women always go to the restroom in pairs.” The answer surprised the boys because the response was that was the only place they could talk in private. Dr. Rosen: I think it is even more important in boys clubs that they bond with other boys. Now they are forced to allow girls into the Boys Scouts. It is important that boys camp out with other boys. Bringing girls into the camps destroys some of the camaraderie, brotherliness, closeness, and solidarity that is necessary for the growing up and maturing processes. Dr. Ruth: I think also that nighttime in a camp is too early to bring the genders together. It also complicates things like having chaperones. Dr. Edwards: The male/female differences were also seen with the mobile or cell phone. When it came out, it was primarily a male thing. I remember in Finland where one of the companies in development was located, every male under age 18 had a cell phone. Now women dominate the industry outside of work. I’ve timed the hours women spend on a call and if I mention the time it’s always denied. I’ve seen two hours denied as being only 15 minutes. Dr. Ruth: I think Dr. Brizendine even felt that if a teenage girl couldn’t keep from making mobile calls during dinner, that parents should withdraw phone use over time. It may be too risky to withdraw completely at once. She said that for some girls phone pleasures were right up there with orgasms. Dr. Rosen: Getting back to our original topic, it even occurs in church organizations. I know our church has had the Lutheran Laymen’s League for over a century and the Women’s Missionary League for about the same amount of time. Recently, women have been allowed to join the LLL. Then the men formed their Men’s Club within the LLL. It seems the genders really need time to be with their own gender at times. Dr. Milton: I think that would seem to be logical. Dr. Ruth: I couldn’t disagree with that at all. Feedback . . . The Staff Lounge Is Where Unfiltered Opinions Are Heard. * * * * * |
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