Medical Tuesday Blog
By or About Doctors: A Better Choice, by John Goodman, PhD
John Goodman, the father of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), a Research Fellow at Mercatus and Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute, has brought together the pillars he has discussed in Priceless, but also further problems with the ACA of Obama, as well as some of his previous pieces published at the websites of Forbes and Psychology Today. There may be none other who has written as extensively as Dr. Goodman. Nor analyzed the 2700-pagess Obama Care ACA bill which has produced 20,000 pages of regulations. Provisions are frequently changed and no one is quite sure about everything that’s in it. But Goodman thinks there are possibilities in “fixing” it. He lists four simple reforms that would solve many of the problems caused by the ACA. But then adds that much more needs to be done. Read more . . . Read more . . . The Book Review Section Is an Insider’s View of Medical Writing. John Goodman, the father of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), a Research Fellow at Mercatus and Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute, has brought together the pillars he has discussed in Priceless, but also further problems with the ACA of Obama, as well as some of his previous pieces published at the websites of Forbes and Psychology Today. There may be none other who has written as extensively as Dr. Goodman. Nor analyzed the 2700-pagess Obama Care ACA bill which has produced 20,000 pages of regulations. Provisions are frequently changed and no one is quite sure about everything that’s in it. But Goodman thinks there are possibilities in “fixing” it. He lists four simple reforms that would solve many of the problems caused by the ACA. But then adds that much more needs to be done. Read more . . . Read more . . . The Book Review Section Is an Insider’s View of Medical Writing. * * * * * |
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