Medical Tuesday Blog


Jul 7

Written by: Del Meyer
07/07/2018 7:54 AM 

July is the watchword for independence and freedom from Canada, the United States, Peru and other points south. The echoes of “libertè, egaliltè, fraternitè” chimed through France, Belgium, and then other African coastal nation of Algeria.

In July 321 AD, Sunday was proclaimed by Roman emperor Constantine as a day of Freedom from work and as a day of rest. Horace Greeley said in July, “To west, young man! God west!” Freedom is the wide-open spaces.

In 1863, The three-day-long confrontation that took place as The Battle of Gettysburg began.

July 1 is Canada Day. 

In 1967 the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, and Ontario officially became the Dominion of Canada, a peaceful step-by-step settlement which guaranteed them self-government, achieving total independence in 1982.

In 1873, the province of Prince Edward Island joined into the confederation of Canada.

Nations such as Algeria, Argentina, Colombia, Belgium, Peru, Liberia and Venezuela also gained self-government and freedom during this month.

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