Archives By Month: September 2019
High Deductible Insurance with Copays Increase Health Costs
Medical Myths & Rumors There are several factors in healthcare insurance that are confusing people. Some insurance carriers are advertising low cost policies with no deductibles or no copayments. This, however, results in an increase utilization which will increase the cost of healthcare. The insurance company in turn then acts as the “palace guard” by […]
Health insurance leads to gluttonous healthcare
When patients request tests and procedures that are not medically indicated, the common response we always hear. “Hey, it doesn’t cost me anything. It’s covered by my insurance.” But the facts are actually reversed. It does cost and the cost is about twice as high as it could be if he paid directly for this. […]
Gov’t Healthcare: The End of American Exceptionalism- American Exceptionalism and the Entitlement State Nicholas Eberstadt
(Part VI continued from April, May, June, July, Aug) The worldwide spread and growth of the social-welfare state seems strongly to suggest that there is a universal demand today for such services and guarantees in affluent, democratic societies. Given the disproportionate growth almost everywhere of entitlements in relation to increases in national income, it […]
Does Liberal Agnosticism cause a loss of Moral Certitude? Atheism is about belief or, specifically, what you don’t believe. Agnosticism is about knowledge or, specifically, about what you don’t know. An atheist doesn’t believe in any gods. An agnostic doesn’t know if any gods exist or not.
The six countries in the world with the most ‘convinced atheists’ Yet despite a trend towards fewer people believing in God around the world, it appears only a few countries have more than 20 per cent of citizens who are comfortable about rejecting the notion of a deity entirely. China China has by far the highest percentage […]
How close did we come to having the red hammer and sickle for our flag? Obama Appointees in the communist Orbit | By Karin McQuillan
Late in May, Rush Limbaugh repeated a quote from James Comey in a New York Magazine interview: I’d moved from communist to whatever I am now. I’m not even sure how to characterize myself politically. Maybe at some point, I’ll have to figure it out. It’s hard to pin too much on that quote. Perhaps Comey was joking by calling his vote […]
How Government Programs Ruined Childhood
Childhood is being ruined and parents are the only ones who can save it. By Kerry McDonald | Senior Education Fellow | | Tuesday, August 20, 2019 An op-ed in Sunday’s New York Times entitled “We Have Ruined Childhood” offers disheartening data about childhood depression and anxiety, closely linked to school attendance, as well […]
Communism and Nazism Are Now Legally Synonymous in Ukraine
By Jon Miltimore | Managing Editor: | Saturday, July 27, 2019 Their names still haunt us. Chelmno. Belzec, Sobibor. Treblinka. Auschwitz. Dachau. Majdanek. They stir images of the horrors of Nazi killing centers, where millions of Jews, Poles, Soviet POWs, and gypsies were systematically killed in one of the great horrors of the twentieth […]
How California wins elections
Judicial Watch sued California and Los Angeles County and the commonwealth of Kentucky for violations of the National Voter Registration Act. JW won in 2018 which could lead to 1.5 million outdated registrations in LA County. This is a huge number—larger than the populations of ten states!—and about 20% of the county’s voter rolls. The […]
Gov’t Healthcare: Entitlement dependency delivers a heavy blow against success.
ENTITLEMENTS AND EXCEPTIONALISM American Exceptionalism and the Entitlement State (Part V continued from April, May, June, July) Nicholas Eberstadt Changes in popular mores and norms are less easily and precisely tracked than changes in behavior, but here as well modern America has witnessed immense shifts under the shadow of the entitlement state. Difficult as […]
As Reflected at our Southern Border
A human tragedy. Dr. Dobson’s newsletter – July, 2019 Several weeks ago, I was invited by White House staff to visit our southern border at McAllen, Texas, where federal agents are struggling to deal with a massive influx of poor and destitute human beings. They come in never-ending waves. Please believe me when I tell […]