Medical Tuesday Blog
Doesn’t a Government Shut-Down save money?
Dr. Rosen: Here we’re having another government shut-down. Doesn’t that save us a lot of money? Dr. Edwards: It all depends on how serious the politicians are? Dr. Milton: The last shutdown by Newt Gingrich was a disaster. He caved before it was effective. Dr. Ruth: How’s that? Dr. Milton: He lost his fortitude before one paycheck was missed. So, no federal employees felt anything. No pain whatsoever. Dr. Ruth: So really no one felt any loss. Did the federal government meet their payroll on time? Dr. Edwards: Actually, the federal workers essentially received an extra week of vacation with pay. And I don’t think anyone returned to thank Mr. Gingrich for the free money that the shut-down gave them. Dr. Rosen: Since he couldn’t complete his good intentions, I have not supported Gingrich and have voted against him on every occasion possible. Dr. Michelle: Why did Newt chicken out? Seems like we would have saved a lot of federal money by keeping millions of government workers at bay. Dr. Milton: It’s hard to figure out how much our government costs us since Obama took us for $trillions. When our private tax sites quote the deficit, there is so much variance over time. Dr. Edwards: Let’s say the federal government costs us a trillion dollars a year or about three billion per day, wouldn’t a hundred-day shut-down save the US taxpayers $300 billion? Dr. Michelle: That’s what I was referring to when Newt caved. If he had stayed his ground for 100 days, wouldn’t we have saved $300 billion? Dr. Edwards: And if all those federal workers would have lost 3 months income, maybe that would have brought their wages down to the same level as private workers. Dr. Milton: And maybe a few hundred thousand workers would have left and sought real jobs. Dr. Edwards: And that would have been a continual saving of tax money. Dr. Rosen: I think part of what concerns me is that our congress reminds me of the Communist 5- and 10-year plans. None of them were valid. Government cannot predict. And our Congress is equally bad at it. So, there is a current year deficit and a long-term deficit. So, at times we hear about a 2- or 3-trillion one-year deficit mixed with a $17-, $20-trillion 10-year deficit. That is confusing to voters. Dr. Yancy: I’ve seen rank and file workers having difficulty seeing the difference between millionaires and billionaires, so a trillion is beyond their understanding. Dr. Sam: So, they are basically hoodwinking our entire nation. Dr. Dave: You got that right. They are actually criminals. Dr. Sam: And criminals don’t consider lying and deceit as being wrong. Dr. Joseph, Ret: I long for the day when we can trust our elected leaders. I’m afraid that will never happen again. Dr. Yancy: Law makers can make any crime legal. Dr. Dave: And what should be legal is frequently considered criminal. Dr. Rosen: Joseph, I wouldn’t make it quite so bleak. There are good organizations on the horizon working very hard to make our country constitutional again. I can think of Hillsdale College online for constitutional courses that are free. Make sure you take them. Feedback . . . The Staff Lounge Is Where Unfiltered Opinions Are Heard. |
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