Medical Tuesday Blog

Gender Dysphoria

May 22

Written by: Del Meyer
05/22/2017 4:48 AM 

The condition of feeling one’s emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one’s biological sex.

Dr. Rosen: Is the incidence of Gender Dysphoria prevalent in medical practice to any extent?

Dr. Edwards: I have several male patients that are very effeminate. They don’t practice homoeroticism.

Dr. Milton: I have a number of females who are very masculine. I have never explored their emotional or psychologic leanings or identity, however. I’ve always assumed this was just a variation within the gender.

Dr. Ruth: I think some of these masculine females have homosexual overtones. But the ones I see are married have children and seem to have a normal relationship with their spouses.

Dr. Michelle: In my experience the masculine females are homoerotic but have done a rather remarkable job of suppressing those feelings. They have not asked for hormone therapy which I feel would make their psychological adaption worse by reversing the accommodation they have achieved.

Dr. Yancy: I have several masculine types of women who seem to have feminine type female live in partners who display a husband-wife type of relationship. But they have adapted well and seem to have a variety of friends. I agree with Michelle to leave well-enough alone.

Dr. Sam: I think that masculine females and effeminate males are basically homosexuals

Dr. Rosen: I have a very large muscular lady who does serious workouts. She was bragging at one time of doing 250 pounds bench pressing. When she got to 300 pounds, she tore a biceps tendon and couldn’t find an orthopedic surgeon to put her biceps together again. She was married to a man who was much smaller and at least 50 pounds lighter than she. He accommodated her masculine desires rather well. This seemed like reverse accommodation.

Dr Milton: Then we read about the man who has raised a family, seemed to have a good marital relationship, and all at once he comes out of the proverbial closet he’s been in for maybe 40 years and cohabits with a homosexual.

Dr. Michelle: Can you imagine the effect this would have on the wife and children?

Dr Edwards: Gender dysphoria has been around since creation. It never became a problem until the current century when surgeons learned the skill of revising the genitals to the wishes of the dysphoric person. But we haven’t yet had enough publicity for the public to comprehend the mutilation that’s involved.

Dr. Ruth: That brings up the ultimate misunderstanding. They think after their transformation they can have normal sexual relations. That’s really an illusion.

Dr. Edwards: Ruth, have you ever seen a patient after their transformation express that fact?

Dr. Ruth: Not really. I think after the surgical rearrangement, they begin to see their transformation as mutilation. And that would be hard to admit. They can never go back to their birth gender, either emotionally or physically. How could they ever explain that to their friends? The scarred anatomy cannot be made functional in their previous state.

Dr. Michelle: The body will never be beautiful again. That would be the hardest blow for me.

Dr. Sam: Don’t hold your breath, Ruth. There will always be a surgeon somewhere who will attempt to reverse a transgender patient who regrets his transformation.

Dr. Milton: And that will be one case where a surgeon won’t want to take pictures of the restored genitalia and show his work at a surgical conference.

Dr. Michelle: At least not before the lunch break.


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