Medical Tuesday Blog
GREEN HELL—How Environmentalist Plan to Control Your Life
By Steve Milloy—Founder and Publisher of In Milloy’s own words from his introduction: Move over red, white, and blue—America is going green. Green energy. Green technology. Green homes. Green cars. Green jobs. Green commerce. Green living. Green government. Writing in 2008, we’ve just elected our first green president, Barack Obama, as well as numerous senators and local representatives who campaigned on promises of leading America to greener pastures. You can color our—and your—future green. The green vision goes something like this: we are going to live in a “sustainable” manner and be kind to the planet. We will shrink our carbon footprints, eventually becoming carbon neutral. Thinking globally and acting locally, we will stop climate change and protect wildlife and the wilderness from man’s destructive ways. We will end our addiction to oil by repowering America with clean, renewable energy; nay, we will reinvent energy. Our goal is a healthy and just planet where people live in harmony with nature. But perhaps, unlike others in a mad rush to start bicycling, recycling, and carbon de-cycling, you’ve been distracted from the greening of America by the many other crises and controversies our nation is facing; the global financial meltdown, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Islamic terrorism, volatile gasoline prices, spiraling health care costs, illegal immigration, and so on. They are indeed a formidable lot. That said, it’s time you recognize that a green-green tsunami is heading your way, threatening to wash away your standard of living and many of your liberties. Like many Americans, your sense of the green movement may be that it simply advocates small lifestyle changes to benefit the environment. But the green agenda is much more ambitious; it promotes countless new restrictions and regulations designed to reorder society from top to bottom. And so the greens bombard us with an endless list of “dos” and “don’ts”. Take cold showers. Turn the heat down, Use less air conditioning. Dry your clothes on a clothesline. Drive small, fuel efficient vehicles or stop driving altogether. Avoid imported or non-locally grown food. . . All these admonitions have something in common—your living on a smaller, more inconvenient, more uncomfortable, more expensive less enjoyable, and less hopeful scale. And the greens more hectoring is just the beginning. . . Make no mistake: living green is really about someone else micro-regulating you—downsizing your dreams and plugging each one of us into a brand-new social order for which we never bargained. It’s about your living under the green thumb and having the boundaries of your life drawn by others. The central concept of this book is that there is hardly any area of your life that the greens consider off-limits to intrusion. There is almost no personal behavior of yours that they consider too trivial or too sacrosanct to regulate. Greens aim to bring about their brave new world through federal law or local ordinance. But where that’s not practical, they’ll settle for inducting artificial shortages, pricing you out of your “bad” habits by hiking taxes and surcharges . . . Read more by purchasing this book . . . ![]() To read more book reviews . . . To read book reviews topically . . . Feedback . . . The Book Review Section Is an Insider’s View of What Doctors are Reading about. |
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