Medical Tuesday Blog
Insurance Companies Practicing Medicine
Dr. Rosen: The other day my doctor asked me what I did with all the information I received from our patient’s insurance carrier telling us how to care for our patients. How do most of you handle that scenario? Dr. Edwards: I frequently scan the letter if I have an extra 30 seconds and then I toss it. Dr. Milton: I usually give it a five second glance and then toss it. . . Dr. Ruth: I read the first 20 or 30 before I realized that they were all government induced and thus of little importance except for their bracing for their own legal defense from a hostile government. Dr. Joseph: As a retired surgeon you’d be surprised by the number of letters I still receive from insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies. That cost is a total waste of health care dollars. And I’m not sure what the reasoning it. Dr. Michelle: I have my staff attach these letters to the patient’s chart so I can quickly cross check the topic with the patient’s medication list if from a pharmaceutical company or against the patient’s diagnosis list if it’s from the CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services). Dr. Rosen: Much of this imposition of our time is no longer letters, brochures, or even samples. The new twist is a CD or even a CDROM from an insurance carriers, HMOs, IPAs, as well as pharmaceuticals in providing. I actually inserted one of these monstrosities into my computer, and within just a few minutes I had a giant textbook of information on display. It seemed like an 1800 page textbook of pharmacology. Since I had patients waiting, I had no time to peruse this any further. In fact, I never had an opportunity to return to this disk. Dr. Sam: I had similar experiences. After tossing the first few, I started using those CDs as mats for tea or coffee cups. Dr. Patricia: Thanks Sam, that’s a great idea to make use of those CDs. I always hate to throw useful things away. Dr. Paul: I seem to keep everything that’s sent to me. I have books, journals, by-laws, drug company paraphernalia, and patient derived trinkets all over my office. Dr. Patricia: Don’t the patients feel you might be a little disturbed mentally? Dr. Paul: I don’t know. But so many of them seem to be impressed by what they see. Dr. Rosen: I have a small sculpture of a silly old dog standing upright with a white coat and stethoscope that catches the fancy of just about every patient that comes in. I’ve kept it there for years. It’s even gotten a smile out of some of the most sourpuss patients in my practice. That’s worth its weight in gold. Feedback . . . The Staff Lounge Is Where Unfiltered Opinions Are Heard. |
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