Archives By Month: September 2016
A Review of Regional Medical Journals: Sonoma Medicine
CULTURE: Decapitated by Beauty Rick Flinders, MD If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry. —Emily Dickinson I spotted an empty seat at the bar, next to an elegantly dressed woman, and saw exactly the opportunity I was seeking. I took a seat, ordered […]
Anonymous Aphorisms: Science
Science is the ascertainment of facts and the refusal to regard facts as permanent. To err is human; to try to prevent recurrence of error is science. Science is forever rewriting itself. Every science thinks it is the science. Feedback . . . Subscribe MedicalTuesday . . . Subscribe HealthPlanUSA . . .
My Negro Experience
I was born in Oklahoma where the Negroes had to be out of town by sundown. There were no Negro students in our schools, whether private, parochial or public. When the family moved to Kansas where I went to High School, we had one Negro girl in the entire school, and she was in my […]
Shrinks: The Untold Story Of Psychiatry
CURRENT BOOKS: From Madhouses to Modern Treatments Allan Bernstein, MD Shrinks: The Untold Story of Psychiatry, Jeffrey Lieberman, MD, Little, Brown, 352 pages (2015). As a history of a major medical specialty and a major public health problem, Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman’s Shrinks: The Untold Story of Psychiatry raises some disturbing questions. The field of psychiatry […]
The Struggle To Treat With CMS In The Exam Room
Dr. Rosen: How is the Presidential campaign coming along? Is Donald Trump still putting his foot in his mouth? Did ISIS really get started by Pres Obama and Sec’y Clinton? Dr. Edwards: I think Mr Pence put that away nicely today. Dr. Ruth: How’s that? I must have missed it. Dr. Edwards: Mr Pence outlined […]
Health Insurance Is Frequently The Worse Gluttony
The pharmaceutical houses have been hiking the charges of common cheap medications rather astronomically. As physicians we have noted this for the past year or more. Recently there has been a huge falderal when epinephrine injectors for asthma and serious allergic reactions were finally notice by the public after they had increased their price more […]
Britons Are Warned That “No Drink Is Safe.”
‘No drink is safe’: health chiefs refuse to budge over stricter alcohol limits Britons will still be warned that there is no such thing as safe drinking as the government shrugged off criticism of controversial alcohol guidance. Colin Shevills, Director of Balance, the North East Alcohol Office, said: “We welcome the confirmation of the Chief […]