Archives By Month: May 2017
Hoodwinking the Nation
By Julian Simon Fact and Fiction about Environment, Resources, and Population, 1999, Published Posthumously Most people in the US believe that our environment is getting dirtier, we are running out of natural resources, and population growth in the world is a burden and a threat. Why do the media report so much false bad news? […]
San Mateo County Physician, President’s Message
WHY WE ARE HERE Russ Granich, MD, President San Mateo County Physician | July-August 2016 We live through turbulent times for medicine. The government is trying to cut what they pay, they add on regulations, insurers are often difficult, etc. It is easy to get lost and focus on the business of medicine instead of […]
The II-liberal Disconnect
Dr. Rosen: There seems to be a battle between Liberals who now call themselves Progressives and the Conservatives. What is the difference? The Liberals have usurped the term “liberal” which formerly meant having an open mind to view and discuss any option to arrive at the best opinion. The Libertarian Party continues to attempt this […]
The Myth of Socialized Medicine
We have been bombarded in this presidential campaign about the greatness of “the common good” that socialized medicine may bring. We have been appalled that this discussion in this campaign could even occur for us who have had American History and our march to freedom. We have won a revolutionary war to establish this freedom […]
Society’s Gluttonous Excesses with Socialism: Detroit
Frosty Wooldridge penned an opinion piece about the decline of Detroit. CORRECTLY ATTRIBUTED per HOW IMMIGRATION AND MULTICULURALISM DESTROYED DETROIT By Frosty Wooldridge | October 5, 2009 | For 15 years, from the mid-1970s to 1990, I worked in Detroit, Michigan. I watched it descend into the abyss of crime, debauchery, gun play, drugs, […]
Obamacare is experiencing a death spiral to total collapse
Health Economists on the Left and Right are Predicting an Obamacare Death Spiral DALLAS, TX, AUGUST 26, 2016 – Princeton University health economist, Uwe Reinhardt, is generally viewed as a friend and supporter of the Obama administration’s efforts to reform the health care system. But now he tells that the health insurance exchanges have […]
Canadian health-care fix—innovation, not more money
Fraser Institute Forum — September 15, 2016 Researchers have long noted that while Canada ranks among the most expensive universal health-care systems in the developed world, it has fewer medical resources (physicians, beds, diagnostic scanners) on average, a mixed track record on outcomes, and some of the longest wait times for medically necessary treatment. These […]
Kaiser Permanente announced it will open its own medical school
Kaiser Permanente today announced it will open its own medical school in Pasadena. The school will be within several miles of other Kaiser facilities, where students will be trained. Kaiser initially announced plans to open a medical school in December, but at that time it was unclear where the school would be located.
The Public Square by R. R. Reno, Editor First Things: America’s Most Influential Journal Of Religion And Public Life August 2016 I can’t imagine a policy more irrelevant to the problems facing our society than bathroom privileges for transgender students. The bottom half of American society is collapsing. Voters are revolting against establishment candidates, casting doubt […]
Let There Be Love
By Kwame Kwei-Armah April 2015, American Conservatory Theater, San Francisco Let There Be Love is an intimate and interesting family drama by Kwame Kwei-Armah, one of Britain’s most distinguished contemporary playwrights. Alfred, a cantankerous and aging West Indian immigrant living in London, has managed to alienate all those around him—including his equally headstrong lesbian daughter, with […]