Archives By Author: Del Meyer
Charles Krauthammer, MD, Psychiatrist; Journalist; 1950-2018
About Charles K. | Jay Nordlinger | The National Review Editor’s Note: Jay Nordlinger wrote about Charles Krauthammer and his posthumous collection in the February 25 issue of National Review. Below, he expands that piece, in the style of his Impromptus column.
The American Divide
Dr. Rosen: We’ve experienced some severe changes in our country. I’ve never seen this hostility towards a sitting president. Isn’t this an overt effort to remove an acting president from office? Dr. Edwards: I agree. Even with our disagreement with former President Barack Obama our criticisms were rather subdued. Some journalists predicted that when he […]
I have insurance; therefore, I can afford to get my maximum benefits
Insurance companies are not able to print money. Therefore, the money they use to pay your health care cost must first be taken away from you including their profit margin for their shareholders. So any time one hears that they can obtain unnecessary care because they have insurance and it is free, be sure to […]
Going to the Emergency Room for a Common Recurring Condition
If patients would avoid going to the emergency rooms for non-emergency conditions, we would reduce emergency room costs easily in half. When I worked in the Emergency Room during my internship at a busy 500 bed county hospital, there was a holding ward for men and boys and one for women and girls. Each of […]
Report from DAVOS Concerning Global Affairs
Quartz Daily Brief,, Weekend edition—Davos deliberations, flying cars, hagfish slime Good morning, Quartz readers! It’s a pity there were fewer influential world leaders than in previous years at Davos this week at the World Economic Forum, and not only because so many of the risks that are top of mind right now for delegates […]
The Unintended Consequences of National Pharmacare Programs
The Experiences of Australia, New Zealand, and the UK The Frazer Institute— Published on December 13, 2018 Accordingly, the national systems for drug coverage in nations such as New Zealand, Australia, and the United Kingdom have been proposed for implementation in Canada. While these programs have reduced both expenditures and the average price paid per […]
Dismembering A Viable Fetus In Utero Is Akin To Saudi Dismembering A Reporter
California Taxpayers Have Been Forced to Spend $700 Million to Kill Almost 1 Million Babies in Abortions State Micaiah Bilger | Dec 21, 2018 | Sacramento, CA Whether they like it or not, California taxpayers pay for women’s elective abortions. This may include paying for underage girls to get abortions without their parents’ knowledge or […]
The Hoodwinking of America: Democratic Socialism
The Four Types of Socialists By Tom Trinko With the rise of socialist candidates in the New Hampshire voting, it’s probably useful to look at what types of people feel comfortable with socialism. There are 4 main types of people who believe in the false promises of socialism:
Restoring Accountability in Medical Practice, HealthCare, Government and Society
The Galen Institute, Grace-Marie Turner President, founded in 1995 to promote an informed debate over free-market ideas for health reform. Grace-Marie has been instrumental in developing and promoting ideas for reform to transfer power over health care decisions to doctors and patients. She speaks and writes extensively about incentives to promote a more competitive, […]
Talk Radio Dialogues Connect with almost Everyone
In Depth Discussions with public, civic, national and international leaders, cultural, educational, political and religious commentary to broaden your perspective of our country and the world in which we live. __________ Heard on Salem National Radio (The ANSWER) sites include:,,,,,,,, Michael Medved, The Greatest Country on […]